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"Rainbow Trio" 3-Piece Oil Print

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Imagine if you could make colors appear from your instrument with each press of your fingers. Practicing scales would send a rainbow through the sky. You could create new colors with each chord. This three-piece oil print features a rainbow of piano keys with smooth, metal notes resting on the keys. It is a colorful take on the sleekness of piano keys that will liven up any room.

This printed oil painting set includes three pieces of HD-printed canvas. The design is available in three sizes. If you choose not to have your selection framed, it will arrive as the unstretched canvas only. The canvas material features a coating that makes it UV-proof, waterproof, and moisture proof.

Individual Images Total
 Size inches cm inches cm
 A 12 x 24 30 x 60 35 x 24 90 x 60
 B 16 x 32 40 x 80 47 x 32 120 x 80
 C 20 x 39 50 x 100 59 x 39 150 x 100